Street outlaws no prep kings Brainerd, MN Invitationals full coverage #streetoutlaws #noprep #racing

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Time stamps
0:00 intro
0:58 Robin Roberts Vs Jerry Bird
1:32 Murder nova Vs Bobby Ducote
3:14 Brandon James Vs Justin Swanstrom
4:26 Kallee Mills vs Calvin Franco
5:51 Axman Vs Rich Bruder
7:24 Jeff Lutz Vs Tony McKinney
8:58 Chuck55 vs Dominator
10:34 Lizzy Musi Vs John Odom
11:57 Jim Howe vs Chuck Seitsinger
15:24 Kyle Canion and Damon Merchant
16:36 Nate Sayler Vs Birdman
18:16 Manny Alvarez Vs Giusseppe
19:12 Marty Robertson Vs David Gates
21:04 Kye Kelley Vs B-Rad
22:00 Greg Chandler Vs Scott Taylor
23:53 Kayla Morton Vs Larry Larson
26:44 Justin Swanstrom vs Chuck Seitsinger
28:23 David Gates vs Scott Taylor
30:22 Kallee Mills vs Dominator
32:25 Damon Merchant vs Axman
33:32 Robin Roberts vs Giuseppe
35:17 Murder Nova vs Kye Kelley
36:34 Jeff Lutz vs Kayla Morton
39:20 Damon Merchant vs Giuseppe
40:13 Scott Taylor vs Kallee Mills
41:24 Justin Swanstrom vs Kye Kelley
42:37 Lizzy Musi vs Kayla Morton
43:47 Kye Kelley vs Kayla Morton
45:02 Scott Taylor vs Damon Merchant
46:06 Kye Kelley vs Damon Merchant
48:40 final celebration

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  1. Hey guys we have to make the views and the likes match. This guy gives us great content on his dime. Please guys. It doesn’t hurt to smash that like button

  2. Your coverage is good. But!!! MY MAN!! You didn't even mention John Odom name when speaking to him to let the veiwers know who you was talking to!!! Drivers to the cars, their driving is huge my man. Look, drag racing is not a fad to me, or a new thing. I race, work on my stuff, under my car in the driveway, winning and losing to get faster. This culture I love is not by popularity or seen on video or movies. We build our shit to get faster and we in this respect the effort much less the funds these drag racers commit to. So yes, let the viewers know who racing in what cars, and maybe a little detail of the event. To be honest, true drag racers care about winning, but more so how it's done, and how these racers above our financial reaches who they are what they drive!!!!! TV an social media know top and successful names, let these people know who the heck they are!!! FYI… we have a Chevy Baretta tube chasing, 632ci Dart with 18 degree Big Chief heads, that dyno N/A over 1300 hp to the wheels, that took over 4 years to complete the whole car while running a simple magneto with no electronics!!! Why you say, that's what we had to run period!!! We work for a living for our families. So… we enjoy your videos and coverage!! But at the end of the day, rather we recognize the drivers or cars, we are still lost.

  3. Hell no they have it right. It's supposed to be racing they made a show about. I would lose all respect if the just auto put him in that's like saying the should have put Kye in the finals anyways after Lizzy kicked him out so it would be good tv.
    Your crazy Ryan not better watching them anyone. In fact he makes it kinda boring already. Now he will have to come from some adversity and make it exciting to catch up.

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