1. Nothing to do with the chute's, he drove around him……the dude needs to just be farm truck a flag races and say dumb shxt on TV ….. Chiefs the reason he was even talked about when the series started

  2. Shawn drew probably one of the easiest wins he could’ve drawn….. and throws it away as usual. I guess being a cheerleader for Ryan must pay quite well.

  3. Not too sure what to think about Shawn's program. Is he there to win? Is he there just for the pay check and sell merch? I'm sure he wants to win but he should take a look at the winning programs and evaluate what makes a winning team. Sorry Shawn. I still love you though

  4. Phantom said that a fan had pointed out that they had loose engine bolts and they did. Phantom is not a crew chief and only a yes man. He needs to evaluate his situation and change it or this will keep happening!

  5. Has he made it past first round yet i went ro national trails last year and this year yet to see him go down the track cause hes done first round sell merch sign hats rest of the weekend

  6. Dam muder nova get it together man letting B rad beat u come on now I know that car can win I think u need to worry about driving and pay somone to tune it a pro u will go a long way

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