Street outlaws No prep kings 6: Hebron Ohio. Friday night qualification

Time stamps
00:00 intro
00:05 Boddie vs Jim Howe
00:28 Chuck55 vs Greg Chandler
00:48 Lizzy Musi vs Kye Canion
01:25 Giuseppe vs Chris Rankin
01:41 Boddie jr vs Damon Merchant
02:17 Birdman vs Kallee Mills
02:31 Murder nova vs Rich Bruder
02:45 Scott Taylor vs Manny Alvarez
03:17 Jeff Lutz vs Manny Alvarez
03:52 Disco Dean vs Mike Bowman
04:35 Larry Larson vs T. McKinney
05:02 Daddy Dave vs Kye Canion (test/grudge)
05:24 Reaper vs Kelley Bluebaugh
05:53 Jerry Bird vs
06:08 Boddie jr vs B rad
06:27 Manny Alvarez vs Chuck55
06:46 Jim Howe vs Brandon James
07:09 Mike Bowman vs Nate Sayler
08:00 Axeman vs Tony McKinney



  1. Reaper has no excuse for how shit that was everyone else made a straight pass so he can’t say the weather or track was crap. He’s crap

  2. Everyone questioned Shawn picking Chuck 55 including me but that man is FLYING rn with the new setup. Easily one of the fastest right now. That surprised tf out of me lol

  3. I’m glad the new season has started and I’m glad that you are going to keep us updated and glad to see you back out there making great videos

  4. I love your video's so I joined your channel. Can you please give more commentary, I don't know all the cars on sight so giving the names and lanes of the drivers would help. Thanks!

  5. Only a young man with no wife and children, and a flexible work-life can do this. I'm glad these guys take time out to do it because I sure as heck won't travel even 3 hours to a track near me. Let alone 15 hours 1 way every single week for 3 months like these guys do. What he's making in membership and ads probably doesn't cover gas and hotel.

  6. O
    Holy shit Jim Howe… I think the powers that be may have created this team championship to protect Ryan Martin lol. My man is a menace with the Screw!

  7. Looks like single turbo cars just gonna suck this year. Was gonna try and be hopeful for manny! But guess No luck. He needs to switch to twins

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