Damon’s car jumps out there that first 200’ or so! I noticed that in round 3 as well. I know he can weigh less than the other Procharged cars but damn, is the weight break helping him outrun everybody that much in the front half of the track? Dude is quicker than everyone thru the 330 then ya start to see the other cars creep up on him. I’m happy for the Rogue car.
Damon has to have some people scratching their heads. I know he's gets to run lighter but that combo shouldn't be outrunning the hemi cars that bad down low !
Damon has got that Rogue Camaro ROLLING!!! He's come out of nowhere with that shit. Good on you bro!!
Not much to say about Kye is there? You give that man a fast car and he will drive the WHEELS off of it!!! Jangalang is going to hurt some feelings this year. The way that car hikes the wheels and just goes is insane!! I was blown away when he got around Swanstrom like that!!
Damon is really doing good the start of this season.. I really hope he can keep it up all season long..His car is rolling..And Kyes car is also rolling.. Jangling Jangling is a bad azz car..I really like his setup with that Regal…
I think Kye is cheating, he is pulling on everyone, even when he sleeps, yet he felt the need to guess the light in the final. NPK needs to take a look at that car
You can't make this stuff up, back to back finals!
Damon!!!! Cast big block baby!!!
Damon’s car jumps out there that first 200’ or so! I noticed that in round 3 as well. I know he can weigh less than the other Procharged cars but damn, is the weight break helping him outrun everybody that much in the front half of the track? Dude is quicker than everyone thru the 330 then ya start to see the other cars creep up on him. I’m happy for the Rogue car.
Damon has to have some people scratching their heads. I know he's gets to run lighter but that combo shouldn't be outrunning the hemi cars that bad down low !
I think Kye is gonna have to drive around Damon to beat him. Damon is really fast down low!
Damon needs to tree Kye in the finals now
Awesome what you do buddy just liked and subscribed! Good coverage each week!
I hope damon wins this time it will be huge
Damon has got that Rogue Camaro ROLLING!!! He's come out of nowhere with that shit. Good on you bro!!
Not much to say about Kye is there? You give that man a fast car and he will drive the WHEELS off of it!!! Jangalang is going to hurt some feelings this year. The way that car hikes the wheels and just goes is insane!! I was blown away when he got around Swanstrom like that!!
Someone tell white demon to put a little more ate the top, then he'll be untouchable!!!
Damon is really doing good the start of this season.. I really hope he can keep it up all season long..His car is rolling..And Kyes car is also rolling.. Jangling Jangling is a bad azz car..I really like his setup with that Regal…
Kayla went in deep, only bullet in her gun, never know the number but I believe got him off the tree. Out gunned but she is a driver
Kye has sure paid her back for the first race
He said he would so that’s that
He’s killing that light as usual as well
I think Kye is cheating, he is pulling on everyone, even when he sleeps, yet he felt the need to guess the light in the final. NPK needs to take a look at that car
Killa u out ran a good one. Kayla been on point since end of last season.