1. Lizzie i send prayers to you and your family. Dont you worry about what people are saying. You do what you find works or is best for you. You have great support that you can count on. I cant wait to see ya at the track. You are in my prayers. Kye keep your head up. I know it cant be easy for you either. Respect to both of you. Hoping to see you both at NPK Kentucky.

  2. These 2 are tough as nails. Hope they come thru this with good results. Cancer is a multi trillion dollar industry. People who run this world dont want the cures out because of it.

  3. If she becomes capt it might be a very very special year for her team. Lizzy is something diff, the outlook she has and how she is going to dominate this disease is incredible.

  4. Wrf did you hire Jay cox for cuz he doesn't know shit about a chassis he's from my home town… I am gonna vote for DADDY DAVE.. CUZ HE Jay Cox you can blame his ass for you loosing cuz he is a loosing proposition….you'll find out….CRY KELLY CRY KELLY CRY…. HOW in the hell WHY DONT YOU TELL JJ THAT TO HIS FACE.. CRY KELLY CRY KELLY BUT I AM PRAYIN FOR LIZZY I PRAYING FOR LIZZY … NOW CRY ABOUT RYAN BEATING YOU…p
    Pat is good man if he ever needs a good chassis man call me …

  5. Great interview Stat Guy! I can't believe there so many professional doctors on the internet. I personally shared my father's story of beating Cancer to give her hope. He's no longer with us, but he beat the cancer and was cleared for a good couple few years!

  6. Hearing Kye and Lizzy talking about JJ being a cheat is going to tick off some JJ fans, but I've been saying he's a cheat for a long time! I feel vindicated listening to them!

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