1. Team Detroit could be a serious force to be reckoned with if they could find a way to get together and all put their efforts in one area. As John said everyone is more focused on the areas they know, love, and have success. Let me show up United and watch the domination unfold!

  2. I find it funny to see before jj did flashlight everyone is crying he needs to go to flashlight an first is worst all those things but now those who were crying for flashlight are now the ones who whant’s it back even with all these rules jj showed he’s crew ain’t dummies like these fans are claiming

  3. Chase is s race is BS cheat the other guy to win we want to know who’s the fastest on this nite not who can leave early to win . Thats why Big Chief fought the rules with (sam (discovery) and how many race ur way in chances MSO got 5 extra cars to race ur way in 405 got one Shawn.
    U need to do a interview with big Chief , he have us street outlaws 405 and now there everywhere show some respect please on Chief , big tire all day thx for listening

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