1. Even Damien just said that there's people claiming that they have been 3.80's and 3.70's and he doesn't think there going that fast either. On a real no prep track the nkp guys are not running 3.80's and 3.70's.
    I can see them running pretty fast at Radial versus the world on a sticky PREPPED track.

  2. I have tons of respect and always been pulling for Damon once I saw him on Street Outlaws show. I hope he can compete enough to even stay in the top 5 this season, that alone will say quite a bit about his drive to succeed in a very tough business

  3. Hey Stat Guy, you keep getting better and better. Thank you. Everybody starts somewhere and Damon didn't get discouraged by others. Racing is like other sports, once they see you now they take you serious. Damon keep up the hard work bc you're getting mad results.

  4. I gotta give ALOT of credit to All the captains. They have to race, cool the cars and fix if needed, make time for all the fans and go stand behind every pass of your other 4 teammates.

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