1. jeez I hate fanboi'z.. Attention seeking Simp's that know nothing about the cars or racing. And the 405 nut dragger queens are the worse.
    I love street racing,,, what I can watch on TV , FB or Youtube anyway 🙂
    This behind the scenes commentary is great stuff to hear about,, straight from the horses mouth,, no offense Juic'in,, LOL
    I'm interested in the cars,, and what changes have been made to step up their game.
    Team MAK TV is a perfect example. Got a little recognition in 2021,, then came out swinging for 2022 with a fleet of heavy hitters.. SRC fanboi'z are gonna crying all year.

  2. Well hey bro I'm glad you guys are doing it long as you're making some money love knowing all these little f**** since they were wearing diapers that's like monkeys in a barrel man no fun to watch fun show well we're still the non-show back road racers and I'll tell always will be hey take it easy later

  3. you are the worst dude to flag and even trying to host And you don't have a fast car.. lmao All you do is have a problem with the MSO and YOU CHEAT !!!!! nOT Cool. Get a new leader

  4. I hope Boost12 pays you the $500 or $1000 he owes. He completely screwed that deal up and got antsy despite starting on the finish line.

  5. Hey jucin u should join the live stream Monday when the shows on Simabcxyz he live streams the show while it's on and the fans would like to have u on there discussing what's going on in the episode while it's on just a thought we get alot of people from the show on there too and it's awesome u would love it

  6. These guys from Chicago DO NOT REPRESENT CHICAGO! I can't believe the baby sht they did and tried to pull off. I grew up street racing in Chicago and we never did any of the baby sht they did. I am embarrassed to say I'm a Chicago Street racer. "Elston Av. and the Incinerators".

  7. I just want to set the story straight about Lutz flipping the coin when he was racing Larson I went back and watched it in slow motion I don't care if it was Chicago Menphis or the 405 I care about the truth being told no matter how good or bad it is. Jeff Lutz did not flip the coin. Please go back and take a look for yourself. May the fastest man or woman win.

  8. You’re alright sir. Ya had a hard run, no worries though. Chicago has fast cars. An I’m sorry to hear about the wreck with weck. That’s a big loss to the street world..

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