1. Is all these people that are pulling out of NPK… is it there cars, don't meet rules and they don't want to be disqualified, Eh !! Just throwing my thoughts out there???

  2. You gotta wonder if the "team" deal plays a part in these decisions. That's a fantastic car, I wonder what he will do with it. Could do some pro mod or 275 I suppose

  3. I have said this for the last couple years, and again last week, if discovery or others running this show don't stop changing things from how this show started, it will lead to only the big money teams winning races or being able to show up to races. Most of these guys have regular jobs to support what they love to do, that's drag racing, so stop with all the changes and get back to the heart of this type racing , that was guys doing it in the weekends because they live to drag race, it's not NHRA

  4. I personally think alot of people see the NPK series as a logistics nightmare…to run from one side of the country back and forth makes NO SENSE

  5. What need to do in npk is get rid of seniority,that they should pay the guys that race in every race this season and stay in the top 10 should be getting paid to show up to the races next season,bcuz in all honesty most of the 405 guys are just lay ups(murder nova,Doc,chuck and etc) are just there to try and make Ryan win,it’s like they don’t care about winning it for themselves at all

  6. As many of us have been saying over the last 3 seasons, they’ve actually ruined something that could’ve been an excellent series . First, they should’ve instituted rules that made sense for the average street racing crowd that’s truly the backbone of their fan base. People tuned in to see the 70 Nova or the Pontiac like their dad or brother drove. Even THOSE cars were more “ race car “ than many liked but, at least aesthetically they resembled something an every day working person could have and maybe ride out to a deserted road and grudge race his buddies

    They realized pretty quickly , even though they were racing on an unprepped surface, given the size of the venues, the surface wasn’t “ bad” tostsrt with only got faster and faster every pass. Racers are racers so it was inevitable that these guys would build cars that had enough power to go fast on those surfaces.". So, even though they grandfathered Birdmans car in, they determined that Larsons truck didn’t fit the rules bc it was to much like a “ pro mod “ Now I would say about 75% of us who read and comment on these various SO pages are fully aware of what a pro mod truly is in both materials AND intent of a particular build. The ONLY tangible rules in place that are much different are, the wheelbase and steel roof and quarters. Most anything goes beyond those. Lexan, Carbon fiber etc etc turn these “ street cars” into 3 second monsters pulling 3g’s off the button. At this point, all that can be done is to hold NPK events at the smallest most outlaw tracks that can be found which would eliminate the need to have a half million dollar car to be competitive. You wouldn’t need an 80’000 pro line Hemi with a professional tuner .

    A perfect example of THE moment NPK jumped the shark imo at least . When Chuck Seitsinger won the invitational in Bowling Green in season 3, THATS when any notion that the show or the series has anything to do with street racing went out the window. Even THAT car was above and beyond what most “ street racers “ could have in their garage . It’s a mostly stock suspension FOX body Mustang that had been rubbed to fit a big tire. It had a twin turbo 481X with all of the normal rear end and transmission set up. Even THAT car was far above and beyond anything that any of us might have seen at a local grudge race but, it WAS the closest thing to it that was running NPK at hat time.

    Another initial “ rule” that was thrown out of the window early on was the requirement that you have some “ street cred” to race in the invitational AKA there had to be film or reliable word of mouth that you would drop the gate and force your hot rod down the road anytime, anywhere. By season 3 into 4 apparently that rule became inapplicable. Swanstrom has never raced on the street and neither has Odom and several other drivers. There were also certain drivers who had basically NO accomplishments that had raced NPK and other SO shows that were considered “ ducks “ who suddenly weee doing VERY well once they hooked up with the monied interest. Suddenly a few of those type racers had big money sponsors and they TOO could roll out a 500k car capable of running with the Ryan Martins, Kye Kelly and Lizzy Musi types!

  7. The travel schedule is stupid who ever is doing the scheduling doesn’t know jack about life on the road. Add motors testing resting???? And it’s silly. There ruin it

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