No hate here James only love good luck this weekend you two. You and the crew had the car close last week let’s hope for clean fast passes all weekend!!!
why don't all of you "HATERS" leave and let the DOOR hit you on the way out i bet most of you jealous PRICKS don't even have a race car or a FAST car at that hope you are doing well REAPER
All the haters and trolls are Reaper's biggest fans. They are always first to comment. Always commenting. And they do it from the safety of a keyboard. Yeah, a wild bunch of haters and trolls.
No hate here James only love good luck this weekend you two. You and the crew had the car close last week let’s hope for clean fast passes all weekend!!!
James, as a wise man, once said
Im embarrassed for reaper..that thing sounds absolutely horrible!!!
That poor starter goes thru hell
James, you having fun yet? Haha.
3:30 –3:40 "dont go in the ditch"
why don't all of you "HATERS" leave and let the DOOR hit you on the way out i bet most of you jealous PRICKS don't even have a race car or a FAST car at that hope you are doing well REAPER
The good Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon please repent for the kingdom of heaven Is at hand
What happens when you suck up a rock in the turbo?
What a idiot. Bottom Feeder
The car looks good, just wonder if that chassis is gonna hold up to run as well it looks!
Jump on street cars it want fall out of a tree
All the haters and trolls are Reaper's biggest fans. They are always first to comment. Always commenting. And they do it from the safety of a keyboard. Yeah, a wild bunch of haters and trolls.
I’m reaper. Drive my sht down your road.
Car does look good
Reaper is cool people's.
That thing missing??? Sounds like a fart in a fan
If you not on a team and cant win a race why waste your money?
Fastest pass it’s made all year
The title is correct it’s a street car.
The guy with the beard with his arms crossed is unimpressed