1. wow what a savage beast,sounds so incredible,hey Ken was wondering if i could barrow the CR500 i have some drainage ditches to dig around home ha ha

  2. Holy hot Dawg in heaven SR IS ON THE PIPE AND IN THE 2 STROkE ZONE……WOW,.watching Sr. On this he looks soo at home and comfortable with those 500s…..FORGET ABOUT RIPPING HOUSES OFF THE FOUNDATION, I THINK YOUVE GRADUATED TO RIPPING BUILDINGS OFF THEIR FOUNDATIONSS..!!!!!…….U MUST HAve a Guardian angel THE WAY U NEVER GET HURT OR CRASH (MUCH)w intensity and sacrifice your brain as your frontal lobe gets overloaded and sparks fly out your ears the moMent u hit the gas on that BEAST…

  3. At least stay in shape on your hometown track so you can ride the support class when the nationals come to town at – least -When you can do a 45 minute Moto plus à lap then go try a Boston marathon talk about a cakewalk Glory days that’s when your days are filled with glory and you bring glory to the family name not at the Boston marathon

  4. What a truly sick and fast bike! You and Jr always have the best of bikes. I miss Jr's red Honda CR Technosel SEAT Cover. I think lt looks alot better than the Black Seat cover. Great riding, as always!

  5. That Mx 12 tire blew the pavement apart I think these sand mud scoop tires are overlooked even in harder terrain maybe not good for slow rock crawling enduro but ya

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