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Time for a midweek test day
The little commentary you added is really good brother I love to watch you guys do well,hats off bud….
Allson works so hard she deserves more seat time, never noticed her a340 number before as a Dodge guy I LOVE it, you killed the light girl a force to be reconned with soon I can feel it.l.. That was a peddle fest race you all drove like pro's., loosing and keeping it safe is more important
Why won't you show Us. Who? Wins each. Race?
Keep up the good work you guys are definitely contenders at any event
Lmao… Sr looking like a fool!!!
Thedart. Sounds pretty healthy with Thai new cam
19:18 that dart is coming around… will need a shoot soon! Nice one.
You need to stick too shooting basketball yall suck at racing.
Might be a good idea to give Rich a call over at Lucore. Maybe there is something being overlooked that he might be able to spot?
that nova sounds pissed as a mother fcker on the big end I LOVE IT!
I thought daily drivers didn’t have roll cages?
Oh hell ya!!! Love seeing the Dart kicking ass out there!!! If you ever need a good home for that car…….. Definitely find me…
The Nova Ate Muff Cabbage from an MR2.,Embarrassing
How did Bill run into Billy from behind ?
Everyone go race and get some fun going
Watched you all for a hot minute great people and great cars loved the s10 the most reminds me of me and my dad's first truck we built together
Thanks for another great video
Brother my weekend was the same lol Starter was melted to exhaust on my new to me chevy truck after work so I was late to midnight madness daily class so I grabbed up the stick class . Which was pretty cool I lost but fun. But cars now going to be on a tire etc. I left like a b too cause I was afraid I’d spin but the truck was good off the line slick down low and I’m FWD. Well do better next time. We can’t win them all. Heck I can’t win one yet. But I will
Falcon need bigger turbo comment.
Has Billy Ran Yet!?
that little car has done more then we all thought it would give it the props, be proud two guns almost
Johnny Quick is one of the fastest small cars in the country. No shame in losing to him
Repent to Jesus Christ “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
James 1:27 NIV
Billy when are you gonna build miss molly a car and bring her back to the channel and take her and let her race
Are you planning on going to Gangsters Paradise at Brown County?? Not going to give Tommy any advice cause he seems to get in his feelings about any suggestions people make
Man you made a wise decision to not push the car to hard with it driving left very smart dude
Johnny quick is a got dam legend
Way to go Allison!! Awesome video guys!
Tommy's optimism is inspiring. Not sure if Tommy is doing his tuning still? Either way, The SRC team is just that. A team.
These advertisements are really getting boring now there’s loads every video
Awesome video and cars!
Whats the powerplant in the Dart?
Ok , watched vid about it. When you get it massaged , holy smokes.
Old Dodge in the mix,,,,Now your talkin . Last motor i built was a 340 with a erson cam. Nice job girl!
Tommy that Johnny Quick does have a Procharged Billit Hemi in that with probably a lot more horse than the LS. Tommy dont hang your head…you hung with a all out race car ! Towards Allison…shes come a long way and shes just getting better. I had a 69 340 Dart Swinger and just love the Dart with that hood scoop !!!!! Is a trans brake in the future for the Dart ??? Big fan of the Falcon and the Nova. More great SRC content !!!!!
Congratulations on 300k subs!!
Congratulations on 300k !!
My dad wants a Mopar so bad before he is gone it kills me. I wish I could get him into darts. They are the chevy IIs, Fairlanes of the Mopar world. They make killer race cars and you can still almost afford one. I've found every stage of car, he has almost come around. That first pass was one hell of a confidence builder! That car rolled out and went straight as an arrow. It all fits her killer.
I think Alison could have got a little more out of it, if Jeff fixed the glove box door,….jk!! Great pass!!!