Hey Boosted, I'm not sure if you read these? But in case you do? I have a diecast car of your yellow Ford mustang and I tried to get it signed at NPK, Norwalk Ohio 2022 at Summit Motorsports Park but I could not get to you? Your a hard man to get too? You were either at the starting line or idk? Anyways I will be at attending NPK, Dragway 42 September 23rd 2023. HOW DO I GET YOUR AUTOGRAPH BOOSTED?
Hi Chris, respect from the UK
❤ SHARED Much love thank you Lori Layne
Looking forward to October can’t wait for boosted GT Alabama
I hope team fireball can make a surge towards the top soon
Thanks fee all you do bro
I heard each sticker adds about 100hp
What up bud ❤
Hey Boosted, I'm not sure if you read these? But in case you do? I have a diecast car of your yellow Ford mustang and I tried to get it signed at NPK, Norwalk Ohio 2022 at Summit Motorsports Park but I could not get to you? Your a hard man to get too? You were either at the starting line or idk? Anyways I will be at attending NPK, Dragway 42 September 23rd 2023.
Those sure look like 36's…
Sure, like your videos, a lot better than upshift, dude. His stinks no knowledge of cars. Just the money, always asking