Ryan Martin Procharged Camaro Domination!!

In this video we have ryan martin who is last season’s no prep kings champion racing in the ohio’s national trail raceway no prep event. Ryan Martin drives the no prep kings winning procharged camaro in the big tire class that pays out forty thousand dollars in cash prize. So, the big money is nice but being able to call yourself a no prep king is even more to some of these racers. Ryan Martin would not make the path to victory easy as he took on some really fast cars that include Lizzy Musi’s nitrous assisted camaro in the semi-finals. Ryan squeezed out the win but Lizzy touched Ryan’s car in the end of the run which was uneventful but the will to win was in full display. In the finals of the big tire class was Kye Kelley who had to the opportunity to avenge Lizzy’s loss in the finals. Watch the video and see how well everyone did. Also, for more no prep action we cover follow our social medias at:


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  1. Yea but what gives what are these guys doing that other crews arent ?? Is what i want to know because nobody but a couple of guys comes close to beating Ryan and his crew

  2. Like I said before I don't even bother to watch the race go straight to the comments . I ask you who can do it . I don't think there's anybody out there that can do it. there's your challenge I know everybody's been trying but you ain't got it. Maybe somebody will get mad. And hit that computer button for Boost one more time. I know you're running on ball bearings out there but hey somebody's got to do it he does.

  3. Not sure about the rest of this season,but next season I don't think he will dominate like has the last 3 years. Buginga will be a major threat,also Bowman is coming out with a new purpose built Chevelle. The one he has been racing is a 20 year old Nitrous car. Swanstrom will always be in the mix. Kye is got his new one. Gonna be good for sure.

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