Ryan Martin is invading small tire racing and beating big names

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  1. Why is Ryan not running in NPK? Politics & rule changes is slowing him down. This the Ryan Martin we all know. We’re being screwed over in the TV Show.

  2. thats a fully prepped track to me. yea he good money and experience always outweighs one without the other. most who do this no prep back track racing dont make what he does 6 mos in 5 yrs.. No im not hating on him it just facts. he has a bigger tool box toy box etc to play with

  3. Ryan Martin got the win. Hmm same set-up as his NPK car. Useful information for his NPK return from the brake. Time to go and get the 4peat .

  4. Lol. You people do know the Fireball was a 275 car? He went 80s years ago in the Fireball before NO Prep Kings was a thing lol. Ryan is probably the fastest on a small tyre in terms of E.T and experience. But yeah 275 and 28/10.5 are different

  5. Hey if it were not for the crew he has money don't by races its not just him people need to know that ya can be fast but if ya don't have a crew that is good at what they do your done just saying prove me wrong?

  6. It's kinda funny that the big tire guys still have their small tire cars set up (they squat on launch) like their big tire counterparts. Most of the really fast small tire cars that I've seen lift, essentially pushing the rear axle down on launch, thus lifting the rear. Both work and I understand that weight, power and balance are huge factors in suspension.

  7. What's with the Mustangs running with no front end…is this supposed to be the new "cool" look from these assclowns? Rules should state "complete body required". I'm seeing this in so many races…and it's always the Mustang crowd that does it.

  8. Letting those people be in the burn out area is dangerous. If a car breaks an axle, it will turn on a dime. If I was the insurance company, I'd be giving the track owner an ultimatum.

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