This video we hit the RPM Barona Drags at Barona drag strip in Sand Diego County California. Vintage Drags, Swap Meet and Car Show
#vintagedrags, #swapmeet #carshow #hotrod #trog
This video we hit the RPM Barona Drags at Barona drag strip in Sand Diego County California. Vintage Drags, Swap Meet and Car Show
#vintagedrags, #swapmeet #carshow #hotrod #trog
Ardun Heads? I have heard of them but, never seen them ( even on video, it’s my first time). But, it basically turns the Flathead into an OHV Hemi, doesn’t it? If that is the case, is it still a flathead?
This event was legit!
uhh umm uhh umm uhh ummm….
great Old school stuff!!