1. Ok now I gotta give my props to you. Bird brothers are my local guys and they've done some stuff for me that I'll be forever grateful for. I may not agree with you sometimes but thanks for helping them out. Good luck the rest of the season.

  2. Why does Reaper ALWAYS “blame” his poor beautiful wife for racing??? Be a man and just admit “hell yeah I love race cars so I’m gonna do whatever I can to get back”… PERIOD! Not blame his “bitch”… SMH…

  3. Two of the most real motherfuckers right there!!!! Classy as fuck!! That right there is why I watch this channel!! As real as it gets right there and always with James! Thank you sir!

  4. I don't get James, every video is about a fight or who he likes or don't like. Who talk shit about him . Kicking someone ass. Got beef with somebody. Grow up man….

  5. Will be happy when they air that footage when they show Jerry get's his ass kicked by a fan on Street Outlaws's VS Local's. And Reaper said that Chief is back on Street Outlaw's No Prep King's he's not.

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