1. TY John, I just love to see also some really good hooking straight A-B passes like that (for the most part, at least). It is the bracket and class racer in this old man!

  2. Only raced on that track one time, an NHRA National Event the Spring of 1995 in Stock Elim., but loved the stay and that famed quarter mile surface. Camped there from Wednesday to Tuesday…It was really special once all the noise died down, and they let about 10 of us stay a couple more days and nights before we moved on up to Englishtown, NJ.

    One place I always said I would move to is the picturesque town of Rockingham, NC, it was beautiful. (Please tell me if you see any property near the track for sale, homesite stuff, I would move in a flash…want to live as close to a great dragstrip that is active like lucky Bill Hoskinson does). As long as the area is really green my wife is on board. God's country there, and it is green. Tired of living in the brown desert here.

  3. Tjohn you like visiting small hometown tracks ! May I suggest my local track! Rogersville dragway in rogersville Tennessee! 1/8 mile track! Good and sticky! And it's challenging to drive you look it up and you will see why! Gotta have your lug nuts on tight to drive rogersville lol just thought maybe if you was interested in some hometown tracks you might like it! I can't remember the real name of the track if you do feel like taking a drive just Google rogersville Tennessee dragway!

  4. I remember going and running at the civil wars at the rock. I remember alot of classes like Hot Street which i think was all motor, Real Street which was 26×10 slicks, Outlaw 10.5, Open Comp, just to name a few and there was a class that went on a 30 mile cruise and came back a ran passes. A lot of my family ran at the civil wars. Bryan Jones, Craig Bunn, Wayne Herring, Steve Johnson, Donald Seymour, my Dad, my Uncle Freddie Herring and me also. So many friends made there and great memories made there.

  5. John, what rate is good for the coilover springs on my Viking Crusader struts?
    Specifically for a Foxbody I’m building for outlaw daily and to get a start in a few Small Tire events. I was thinking of trying a 16/125 spring. Would that be too heavy? If the power level is important, I have a Little M block 400 with AFR 220s, and a 107mm turbo.

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