2nd Annual Rick Ross Car Show 2023 Move in And Unload live from the Promise Land!
Rick Ross
Top 5
2nd Annual Rick Ross Car Show 2023 Move in And Unload live from the Promise Land!
Rick Ross
Top 5
Dat green silver Edo wet
That red and black Chevelle off that chain
Mad max 61 that one slick as hell that's a new one clean Chevy Impala two door two
That's house the hurricane huh
I know he had come up with alot money in grass two
its going down today
I liked that white donk from Cali better when it was matte grey. Still a super clean build.
i am on my way to the 2023 car show all i am thinking about is ribs cars and sexy ass women
its going to be super hot today please drink plenty of water at the car show
no need to have a negitive attitude today lets prove to the world today that black people can come togeather for positive events
They are saying most muscle cars are about to be worthless since EV's are coming out and no more gas will be around coming 2030. So ppl better start selling or they gonna be left with just a pile of steel in the driveway ijs
Donkmaster could run the exhaust pipe better then that
Great footage
Madmax 61 definitely had to win something the car is just simply immaculate from the inside out and even underneath
Great team work
Great video but sucks ass we can't get audio
I really wanted to see the 78 olds ninety eight convertible behind the goofy sprite Monte Carlo camera kept going past it…