1. Definitely need to do more videos and try and get your followers up. That will really help get your name out there. And hopefully get you some pocket change to keep going. But don't have to be just racing show your behind the scenes stuff.

  2. Just get Novacaine down that strip and letter rip tater chip.
    Let your car do the talking!
    When doing g maintenance ance rebuilds etc, time lapse to show the dedication you put in..
    Peeps love a under dog, cameras cameras cameras, inside out, cut it up son…
    To the top Tony & Crew!

  3. Fans wanna see day to day racecar! bad days,good days, winning or losing fans don't care…fans wanna feel part of your program remember your living a lot of your fans dreams!!! The stuff your doing to the car may be routine to you and your team cuz it's just everyday but it's interesting to fans… Good luck and have fun your living dreams

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