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popcorn at the ready.
You the best!! If everyone is offended, you must be doing something right ))))
snorkels do help with dust if you use your brain and put a precleaner on IMO Sy-Klone Series 9000 Precleaners are the best if your rig spends a lot of time in dusty environments like a farms. we have them on all our equipment.
I saw demonstrated on a 4×4 show that a snorkel does not save you if you hit the water crossing like you intend to drive across the top of it.
Thats I nice looking dead blow there John
It is hilarious that you cite "scientific literacy" when you constantly spew "climate change" crap. If you knew anything about science, you wouldn't be so ignorant.
Ever since falcons and commodores finished every bogan has become a 4×4 expert hero….
Most standardisation bodies would call it an accident, and the meaning of that word in the phrase "by accident" is generally considered a secondary and very restricted meaning in my professional circles (i. e. safety engineers and accident investigation specialists). However, what distinguishes a crash from an accident is indeed intent and/or expectation. One of the more humorous, but surprisingly apt definitions of accident is "unexpected release of energy". Not all crashes are accidents, but neither are all accidents crashes. An oil platform fire is (usually) an accident but not a crash, whereas an NCAP vehicle impact test is a crash, but not an accident.
Best comment from you, "lightening up is its own reward"
John don't forget that IQ is normally distributed.
27:07 Also bull bars drastically reduce the safety of everyone else who crashes with the vehicle on which they are installed – for no good reason, as it turns out. Maybe they look "cool" but is that worth fracturing someone else's pelvic bone or femur?
You can offend me all you want, as long as you touch me up at the same time lol. Its just words.
It always amuses me no end how most people think 40 deg.C is twice as hot as 20deg.C.
It always amuses me no end how most people think 40 deg.C is twice as hot as 20deg.C.
Could be worse.
Could be a bud light can
Hi John. I have owned a 200 series landscruiser with a snorkel. It was fitted prior to my purchase of the vehicle. It did have one advantage. I was able to fit it with a oiled sock pre filter while living in cape York. The amount of dust this sock prevented from getting to the shit designed air filter housing was incredible. Apart from that it was generally useless. My concern with river crossings was always the electronics of the engine. Hence why I avoided them at all cost.
John. In all the Simpson episodes when the milk truck crashes, the milk catches fire. I have a question.
With what can you extinguish a milk fire extinguish a milk fire
Also how can milk catch fire.
Please explain. Cheers