1. In addition to the ones you mentioned, I also like The Horsepower Monster. They feature Keith Dorton and some out of the box ideas in his builds.
    Also check out Greg Jones with Engine Builder Mag. He features different engines as well as different shops.

  2. I'm just a small engine builder in Texas and you are spot on with your analysis . I worked in oilfield machining for a while and you can ask three different machinists advice on a job and get three different ways to do it. I would take their advice and try to meld it all together to be successful. Nobody is born with the answers, listen to those that don't mind teaching.

  3. I enjoy all of Ben Alameda's videos and I am not a ford guy. One intelligent man. You watch all the same guys I do. I am just a simple man who tries to learn from all of you with knowledge and experience. I sit in a conversation with gear heads listening to their builds or ideas and correct them lol. Then they ask how I know this and can refer to your videos or Vizard or Alameda. I am a sponge because this stuff interests me and retain 80%. If I had these videos at 15 yrs of age instead of 57 I could have been a knowledgable engine builder at a young age rather than a guy building a 355 trying to relive his youth lol.

  4. I grew up learning how to wrench from guys who worked at our service center who were Funny Car, top fuel, and PRO Stock like Ron Fassl, Art Nolte racing at Beeline Dragway starting in 1970. Now I'm one of the old guys.

  5. Good pics for list of good ones. If i was making this list i would put your channel on this list. Wich it goes without saying you would, but i think it should be said by us that we would. Great channel man! I know…..wait, I believe your not bipolor. Lol

  6. There's a shop in Nevada, IA that can weld anything if you're ever in a bind. Used to be called Williams Cylinder Head but I believe Arnold Motor Supply bought them out. Fixed some 409 heads & a 455 Olds block for me back in the day.

  7. I can relate to having metal ground out of an eye, I was around patternmakers as an apprentice in my youth making sand casting tooling, my dad has been racing circle track my entire life, I used to see the cores that made cylinder head ports and water jackets people were developing, we used to hide in the camper in the back of the truck until they opened up the pits at night so we could go racing with our dad.

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