NY VS MD Small Tire Shootout. Grudge Race gets heated After Racer Refuses to Pay?!

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A couple Fast Small tire cars get down on the Street.
Maryland VS New York



  1. Seems they do things differently up there The guy chocking his dumbass had it right the 1st time. life lesson should be learned the hard way. But after watching the SRC video this guy should be run out of any street racing. He does show a trend to be stupid and run his mouth when he looses.

  2. Seems like he create s the situations , complaining, hell have more of these good times, his face will become a peice of leather, after all the slaps he will get through life,,lol, lol

  3. If you ask me he got off easy you pull that shit with the group I race with he would have damn sure had his ass beat and he would have been black balled for ever racing around again word travels fast…shit even the street outlaws dont put up with that theres an episode where Boosted GT Chris Hamilton is about to fight cause somebody won't pay but the dude looked around and decided he better pay especially cause it was on tv he would have never been able to race again.

  4. Dude is a bitch. Any man lay a hand on me we gonna throw hands. Not back up and still try to Welch on a bet. You lose man up. Make your shit better and race another day. People get killed for less.

  5. Ok after looking at the comments I realized that this is the same Weasel that made the excuse he ran out of fuel racing Billy the Kid from SRC. This Weasel should be banned from every street racing event from now on! Great video by the way!

  6. That bald headed idiot says you want some of what I have in the truck then runs towards it like a pussy then the other guy looks in the back for any guns guy says no we don't have any guns…then what did he have in the truck…

  7. Eddie and the supposed guy who warned him should be blackballed by the street racing community. Just a couple of dickheads making excuses and Eddie even admitting by saying you warned me, just means they were making excuses long before they got there. from the many videos I have seen since the SRC video, Eddie is a sore loser

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