NPK Season 5 and Shop Update! Daddy Dave Racing

So here we go, final updates before No Prep Kings (NPK) Season 5 kicks off, wrap up of my current shop projects, and most importantly the crashed Goliath Wheel Giveaway for hitting 50,000 subscribers is officially live! Get entered here:

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#DaddyDave #NoPrepKings #StreetOutlaws #NPK



  1. From the whole series of Street Outlaws Dave was in my eyes the honest and respectful one without bashing or so towards others..

  2. I like how Dave is a good racer and smart experienced car guy and straight personality looking father type guy, Shawn is laid back racer and alternative personality type family guy, and Ryan is a different younger quiet personality type sharp racer car guy and all are successful in Oklahoma at modern ground roots auto racing. All from & competed in O.K. & came together and agreed to try together with others interested to make a new modern competition league for racing benefiting the whole group of expanding top competitive racers. Racing is good shown safer as off the street and mostly they are normal modern working upper middle class types. Very smart good business men from OKLAHOMA USA. That's a really good modern success story in business and related tech. such as I.T. & internet commerce.

  3. Daddy Dave that man to beat, lol I would really love to have that rim as a conversation piece only sir, I'm also a new subscriber but have been watching you since the very first run down the track in the Sonoma badass you carrying the wheels the whole track

  4. How do we enter to win the wheel? I went to the website but could not find a link. Also I was in Florida for NPK and have to say that was a bummer when you raced Fireball.

  5. Dave I really appreciate everything you do you were always my favorite racer in street outlaws you can drive man I always enjoy watching you race man great job brother

  6. Hey Dave don’t do the liner inside the truck pull the whole thing out do it in the shop way easier plus better seal on adhesive then pop it back in the truck

  7. Hope you don’t let Justin Swanstrom into America’s list!! Can’t stand his spoiled brat attitude! NPK will suffer this season too , if he is there!! Just my opinion!!

  8. Can we get a video on ur side of the big chief fall out an ur views… being a 405 native an met most of you I have to agree with what I just seen from reapers channel.

  9. D.D. Great job building Goliath Dave, I build sedans/ cop cars but your a great ad for us @ Dodge/Chrysler! Long live Hemi power plants. Best of luck in season 5 Daddy D., We'll be cheering for you & your 405 teamates.

  10. I have one question that I would assume you get asked over and over so I apologize for this question. Why are you not #1? why is Ryan Martin constantly hovering around #1? I am just trying to understand what it is. I would assume its $$$. I also assume your parts are just as good, and if parts are equal he isn't magic or some miracle tuner. I am just really tired of the Ryan Martin show he is a great guy but gets old hearing about Ryan Martin. Anyways please let me know if I am wrong. always look forward to your next win.

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