time stamps
0:00 intro
0:01 Murder nova vs Disco Dean
1:17 Murder nova Vs Bobby Ducote
1:59 Murder Nova vs Kye Kelley
time stamps
0:00 intro
0:01 Murder nova vs Disco Dean
1:17 Murder nova Vs Bobby Ducote
1:59 Murder Nova vs Kye Kelley
Shawn and Phantom got her rolling!! That race against Kye was close!! Was reeling him in. A better light… he beats him
#187 Customs
Let's go Shawn!!! The Murder Nova is now a truly competitive car!! The best is yet to come!!!
You have to break Kye’s rhythm, he does the thing every time. He waits for you to turn on top bulb and then he rolls in and turns on both lights and he’s ready. Wait him out let him turn on the top bulb and double bulb him.
Kyle got him off the tree or Shawn would of won