Clock is ticking and we have a lot to do to be ready! AJ from Hemi Tuners is in the house helping to get things sorted out with the engine and transmission fitment.
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Sounds like the Yankee has no clue. RUN!
Tac weld equals half ass
Bobby is the only one that has clue
Tom check the beard man.. All I see for the first 5 mins is the one hair hanging off your right side… Lol… Nice work on the projects to you and the crew…
You guys get EJ any more seat time in something bigger that the gasser to prep her for higher hp heavier car on a non track surface or are you just throwing her in un prepped for all those changes?
Great to see AJ in the house!!
What's up with the first-generation Nova
Man y’all got a lot going on !!!
I honestly don't see you guys getting these cars finished by your deadline but I wish you all the luck.
Moor ej with those dsl's
Just got home Friday and there is your video. So cool. Winter here in NZ.
Why would anyone consider running a Converter with No Flexplate spacing Clearance ??
love me some EJ!! wish she would get her brows worked on!
nice job guys EJis just all smiles as usual tom is there any news on the old truck that was stolen cheers from down under
Super stoked for sick power fest sadly truck won’t be ready
jeezus,,,who let Mayhem in the shop ?
Great update. great to see EJ learning from AJ. I am sure it will run as per schedule… Thanks.
Great Progress. EJ will look awesome with a eye patch, nobody wears eye protection till they have to have metal pulled out, then explain the eye patch to everyone who askes, why didn't you wear safety glasses, according to a friend. Tales from the shop.
u can write ur lists on the window glass if u use white paint markers or any colour i suppose
Learned something from SM….????!!!!!