Wow Mike. You’re losing a lot of weight. Are you feeling okay- good- great or what??? Hang in there… and please thump Birdman for being rude to one of your loyal fans.. No reflection on you though. Much respect sir ❤I hope you read your comments. Your fans really care about you.. I’m wearing your shirt today in my vapor store. A lot of my customers really like you too.
Looking good Mike, player, player.
Wow Mike. You’re losing a lot of weight. Are you feeling okay- good- great or what??? Hang in there… and please thump Birdman for being rude to one of your loyal fans.. No reflection on you though. Much respect sir ❤I hope you read your comments. Your fans really care about you.. I’m wearing your shirt today in my vapor store. A lot of my customers really like you too.
Big fan of yours