Welcome Back TIP SQUAD. Yall in this Video I attend a Sound Competition in Fayetteville NC and after that I take you guys with me for an end of summer family cookout. Hope you enjoy the video as you get to see more of what Tiffany Rene does from day to day. Until the next time see ya!!!
Email: renetiffany86@gmail.com
PO BOX: 1907 Fayetteville NC 28302
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Nice bikes❤❤
Nice video keep up the good work Mrs. Tiffany Rene
Hi lady so amazing cool person going bike event see nice bike love your ❤❤❤ channel
Give her like a year or 2, its gonna be over with lol.
Nice video nice work tiffany tip squad love u all ❤
That's the signs and body language of a future track STAR. IN 8 YEARS SHE WILL BE UNBEATABLE. And the youngest is gonna be even faster. U can book that. The sad face and side eye when she lost was understandable lolllll that's what future stars do lollll. Be ready for the journey of a CHAMPION.
Sorry im late i was at school
Another great video some great looking bikes and nice music, hats off to hubby he's playing some nice music with the videos love it✌️
The baby girl is hilarious loves the camera, she's so adorable
Love to have that kind of sound on my bike but then I remember I like having storage better. Some sweet bikes in that line up!
My great grandfather for the most part bed rested. I hep take care of him. He’s been talking about buying a bike for about a year now. He ran into your channel and loves it. He said he learns a lot from what you do. We spend hours just watching your channel daily.
Thank you for making his day pretty much everyday!
Great content thanks, Tiff. God's blessings to you and the family
Track stars in the house
Roy got that bag I think he has his own trucking company.
Oh yeah tipp my friend saw you ar the all women ride but she was nervous to come over and say hello. I told her about your channel a month ago and she's been watching your videos.
Appreciate you sharing what you do. Normal people who love ❤️ to ride.
Beautiful family!
Hey how are you doing you have a beautiful family the two beautiful girls you are truly blessed , what do you call those bikes with them giant front wheels ,
Thanks for sharing guys safe travels. ARKANSAS Badlands
What a good time.
Great video. Trinity should be on the track team when she's old enough cause she's fast. Glad yall had a good time.
This is so awesome Tip!!
You guys have a wonderful family..❤❤
Its a good thing your Husband is not letting her win so she will try harder. Nice family you have.
Enjoy the balance life you have with your family, that what family need, thank God and keep him first