In this video we have two members of the 405 oklahoma team. First up, monza drives a twin turbo split bumper camaro. Monza has always been on top of the oklahoma city list and has held the number one spot for time. Monza has proven he has what it takes to run on the streets. But can monza now switch his focus to being a no prep king champion? With a small crew that consist mainly of his son monza does everything on budget to go fast at these no prep kings events where everyone has a team of people working on their cars. On the other end of the staging lane is another member of the 405 team dominator. Dominator is very similar to monza in the fact that dominator does not a have big team either. Dominator has his wife and daughter helping him out on his twin turbo dodge dart. Both have found some success in no prep kings but just short of a win. Check out these two fan favorites run and for more no prep action we cover follow our social medias at:
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Thanks for the clear videos.cheers
Joe and boddie have got to be 2 of the most happless drivers in street racing
Lower the end .
Thanks for sharing,Great vid not so great grudge race.
thank you nat
Nat needs to start an onlyfans
Dominator has got his car looking pretty damn good.
Here we get to see how every racer is doing. Monza got a new car on the way. And Dominator has a Noonan Hemi and isn't into burnouts?
when is dom doing the Daytona nose thing to the dart or did he change his mind on doing that
Thanks for the video Nat…looking good…
It's good to see Dominator win some races
Your videos aren't bad except for that disgusting woman doing the intros. Get rid of that shit and grow your channel