1. You know I don't know how long you been saying Jonny but I think I know where it is originally from I worked for car craft body shop in Chalmette LA. A short drive to da pad a guy who's family owned a gas station across the street brian was the grandson and he called his grandpa Jonny because because he was a really cheap guy so the grandson thought the old man went by the name cap but Brian called him a Jonny so then anybody that Brian didn't see eye to eye with was a Jonny. So that's my story for you Jimmy Dale. Your friend from Louisiana Rick 427.

  2. Honestly bro I like the shirts but if I never get it I wouldn’t even be that mad I just wanna help you get back on the track my guy

  3. That was a great episode of the Jimmy and Mo show. Had me cracking up with some of those responses. Mo has your back Jimmy and that is awesome. You two are fun to listen to and should do it "MO" often. Hell Jimmy, your next trip out to see the Old Man you should take Mo and get the entire group in one shop. Now that would be funny I'm sure. Anyways, thanks for being real Dude!

  4. Metigulous is a beast on the welder…. Literally some of the best times I've ever seen and that car he put together just works right off the bat I saw him take out Cali Nate at his first real event

  5. Man, just watched this on TV, y'all are friggin' Great. If you ain't smiling when Jimmy's on, you ain't right!! The mans a legend, and how bout' the energy of Mo?

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