1. No one knows the exact day hour /But we can see the signs events all around us. And by the timeline, Israel is 80 years and 1 generation span according to bible text will be around 2027 , which israel was declared first in 1947 + 80 years = 2027 . so we know we dont have 10 years left as this is 2022 so the rapture, then the tribulation will be before 2030 for sure.

    The rapture will happen without a doubt and it will happen much sooner than many believe (less than 10 years according to all the environmental, weather,astronomical signs ,israel timelines etc showing ). It will happen without any warning , not one , in an instant , catching masses of people off guard just like God always does, ie the flood ~ a rude awakening . No one knows the exact day or hour the rapture will happen is a certainty . THE RAPTURE CAN HAPPEN NOW at ANY TIME make no mistake !! . Please awake to Christ Jesus which is the ONLY hope NOW and dont let it be found out it IS all true later when its too late & many have been left behind in the most terrible times the earth Has Ever experienced Before and ever will…for anyone who sees this and doesnt know what to do please If anyone hasnt given their life and heart to Christ Jesus will have REAL BIG problems way bigger than any problems Ever had If left here on earth after the Rapture . After the Rapture The USA , Worldwide , will face More evils , Inner city chaos, firearm wars etc etc ,power & water , food shortages , military invasions,mass executions (yes much blood will be required by antichrist ) etctec than it Has EVER been seen Before and you surely dont want to be Here then . We Have Time NOW to change , please seek Christ Jesus while there is still time to save ! no one knows the day or hour of the rapture it will start out just like any other day and it will Take Place In the day In Broad daylight/sunny day , In an Instant FLASH without ANY warning ,& there will be peoples Driver Ids, cell phones ,wallets found in various parking lots,Purses, bill folds Found at work etc etc with NO explanation , and People VANISHING so No One can refute it has taken place. .

    romans 10:9-10 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead thou shall be saved!

    please share with others =IMPORTANT


    Information for anyone who has come across those that refute the

    rapture and say that it was supposedly made up and say it was created by darby church in 1700s . This is real good to show it was way before darby , and its documented .

    also rapture pre trib proofs even in dead sea scrolls .

    15-1700s/ irenaeus 170ad/ 250 ad / /isidore 4th century

    sourced by intense search and study by ken johnson


  2. lots of money in the cars..
    but the organization running the track
    and crowd appear low rent..
    why aren’t they kept back from the track
    Their insurance company wouldn’t be happy to see their lax safety procedures

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