Memphis Street Outlaws JJ Da Boss Call Out! Drivers Meeting Drama!

JJ Da Boss and his crew made it out to Darlington Dragway for their small tire event. I was feeling special, and decided I would try to catch on of their crew sleeping first round. Let’s call out the fastest one they got on the property…..Trisha Wayne in Zip Tie………..First round, first pair…….There was some drama during the drivers meeting as I tried to get them to give the real small tire a little help……..Then we may have tried to hustle the starting line a little bit, but that ended up back firing as well…….LETS GO heads up, SBC against a HEMI!


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Lightening Quick Glides
Traction Compound
Thomas Racing Service: Jeff Thomas No Prep Struts
The Brake Man:
Black Sheep Industries:
Tin Soldiers Race Cars:
Forced Inductions:
Cam Specialist, turbo needs:
Mod Series Shocks:
Torque Converters:



  1. I was in the first JJ race this year, got put out by The Goat (66 GTO). JJ got a fun crew, except his new addition, his daughter Wee Wee, can’t stand her. Being sassy works for the other girls, not her.

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