1. Dude, help me out!!!! Please send Lizzy Musi a care packege of the mullet hats with the long hair!! She had to shave her head while doing chemotherapy. Man, that would be the BEST jesture anyone could do. She could put it on as soon as she takes her helmet off. If anyone could pull off this little miracle, it would be YOU!!! Thanks for even considering it!! You could maybe even interview them. They run NOS also!!!

  2. May be an optical allusion, but it looks like he is sitting directly under the engine that's lifted by bucket. I'm not trying to hate, I think you are killing it Jimmy! We as humans are set up for failure out the gate as we become comfortable in dangerous environments by drifting. Again, I'm not hating, just bringing awareness either way. Keep doing it big!

  3. Literally I have to have a black hat for work because I am not allowed to promote anything unless it’s printed in black on a black hat I work at the circle K of auto parts store help me out come on

  4. Uncle bobs very familiar with nitrous engines getting pushed to the limits. That’s nothing new to him!? It’s good to have many awesome engine builders all over the country as well as engines to be competitive in this game!! Hope we get to see uncle bob open that beast up!?? Let’s see them melted parts?

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