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Maaaaan! Our “grudge” race was sooo much fun!
To the guy talking shit when Billy red lit. You are a dumbass that car has twice the tire and the old nova still gave him a run for his money
Really glad we’ll not glad but anyways see Cali Nate not win them all.
Nice driving Jimmy Dale..
Jimmy Dale be driving boy. great vid and teaser!
Damn billy you messed up your elbow. Can’t wait to see the next one for sure. Always great videos
Wow a great weekend at KD
I like watching your videos you guys are awesome people and good luck and be safe and God bless you guys
Son of a b** that's some nice driving there Jimmy Dale great video don't you hate it when people remove in front of you when you're filming
Im assuming theres gonna be another video?
pretty awesome you guys got the first day of this event out so fast! Thanks for the footage guys!
That’s some foreshadowing right there. Lol.
Jimmy Dale needs to wear a suit! Billy, stick to go-karts!
Great runs guys!
Awesome save JD!
Jimmy powers and Kenney dale, bff
I still think Limpys starting technique is the best of all I have watched
12:45 it sounds like the engine dropped to many rpm of the shift to high …. But what do I know?