In the world of drag racing, there are few things more exciting than watching Street Outlaws: No Prep Kings drivers battle it out on the track. And this season promises to be one of the most intense yet, with new rule changes and team captains causing controversy and drama left and right. In this video, we’ll take a closer look at two of the show’s top drivers, Jim Howe and John Odom, as they discuss the latest developments in the series.

Jim Howe is a seasoned veteran of the drag racing world, with years of experience under his belt. He’s no stranger to competition, and he’s faced off against some of the best drivers in the business. But even for someone as skilled as Jim, the new rule changes for No Prep Kings have been a challenge. As he explains in the video, the changes have made it harder for drivers to predict how their cars will perform on the track, which means they need to be more adaptable than ever before.

John Odom is another driver who knows what it takes to win in the world of drag racing. He’s been racing for 5 years now, and he’s honed his skills over very quickly to become one of the most formidable drivers in the No Prep Kings series. But like Jim, he’s had to adjust to the new rule changes, and he’s had to work closely with his team to ensure that they’re ready to take on the competition.

As Jim and John discuss in the video, one of the biggest changes to No Prep Kings this season is the addition of team captains. These captains are tasked with choosing their team members and strategizing to win each race. For Jim and John, this has meant working closely with each other to decide which captains are the best to sure they’re on the same page and ready to tackle any challenge that comes their way.

But as with any competition, there’s bound to be drama and controversy, and this season of No Prep Kings is no exception. Jim and John hint at some of the tensions brewing between teams, and they discuss the pressure of trying to come out on top in every race. They also touch on some of the challenges of being a driver, from the mental strain of competition to the physical toll it takes on their bodies, and the strain on equipment and team members in the later stages of the season.

Overall, this video offers an intriguing look at the world of No Prep Kings and the drivers who compete in it. Jim Howe and John Odom are both fascinating figures, and their insights into the latest developments in the series are sure to be of interest to fans and newcomers alike. With new rule changes, team captains, and plenty of drama on the horizon, this promises to be one of the most exciting seasons yet. So buckle up, hold on tight, and get ready for a wild ride on the drag strip.



  1. I'd like someone to explain to me Kayla qualifications as a Capt? Sleeping with boosted shouldn't be a qualifications. Trash driver, annoying voice. She jumps around more teams then lebrick the lebum the lefruad James

  2. love the attitude guys, cant say i like the new team thing, but one thing you didnt mention, is that some of the drivers have completely new cars this year, they might have been slow last year and fast this, or take the season to get up to speed, just like murder nova did last year

  3. I can't believe y'all are following this guy for advice after he said a funny car was the fastest GT-R in existence I would drop this channel like a bad habit

  4. Rcing is totallt unprdictable , your ideas are good and valid, but here are many competitors that come up woth a better combo. I've seen the best get their luches taken unexpected ly.

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