1. Me, personally, I would run Leo with Claw and Fury with triple Kang-dae. 8 second reload with 800 meter range is something you want to have in order to avoid powerful weapons with 300-500 meters

  2. There is a pilot skill that is exclusive to the Lancelot, carnage, rogotka, and cosak (forgive my bad spelling) called ghost, that increases the speed by 30% (grey) 40% (blue) 50% (purple) 60% (gold) but it deactivates the ability that you might wanna try, also when the Kid gets below 30% hp every 5 seconds (I believe) it speeds up a heckton, I appreciate seeing on YouTube someone starting from scratch and seeing how it feels to be someone who doesn’t pay at all (like me). Love the Videos! Keep it up!

  3. I figured out why the kid titan started running. It just happened I sped up in short bursts it’s definitely a bug with the kid’s movement

  4. Known a Lancelot and it is in my 2nd or 3rd hangar and its paired with a Sharanga, and my Lancelot is Mark 3 and its absolutely over powered, because its so fast with either 230,000 hit points or 250,000 and it is just overkill. I don't use it as much any more but the paint job with it looks absolutely menacing, the paint job is like army color.

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