1. I wish I would have known about this earlier I would for sure spend 200 bucks so my son could hang out with you. The only guy that seems to live like the rest of us just has a super cool job. You going to do this at every race?

  2. i would have done this in Virginia! Always a weekend late. Bought the only zippered hoodie you had though! Hope you found the springs you were looking for. All of my friends didn't have anything that soft.

  3. i cant wait to see ya THE SUPER MEGA REAPERS CLUB do you need help on crew>? i worked alot on bbc and small tire cars when maple grove comes ill come help bother

  4. Thanks for the update .It's sounds like ypu getting a handle on it which good glad to see it .Sure like you see win one of these things .
    Can I go online and buy a sticker if I can how do I do that ?

  5. Man I just love you two mother fckrs , I’d give my front row seat in hell to be able to travel around with y’all and just help out !!!!!

  6. "I invented npk, with my "buddy" Ryan but don't pay no attention to my beady eyes or staggered speech cause y'all don't know nothing about nothing " lol. Reaper is the gift that keeps on giving

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