1. That one girl is either autistic(which is ok), or she is on some serious drugs. She belongs NO WHERE near a drag race. Throwing down a rag at a starting line?? What the f is all that contorting of the body she is doing?? Something weird with that group.

  2. I would love to know the time she got on that light..that was beautiful.. jj inspires me to be a better man and daddy everyday. He truly is such a genuine man and seems to be as a father as well

  3. Dangit I think her nerves got the best of Hollywood, she'll get It JJ! Hey JJ I was wondering if you were going to transplant Hummingbirds motor into 1 of those beautiful cars you have sitting at home.

  4. Putting his daughter in a very fast car like that is not a good move buddy especially when the car isn't fitted for her. I've never heard of someone putting a person for there first time in a very fast car like that. Everyone I've ever heard of would work there way down to a faster ET time not just throw them into a well I don't know what a 5 second car maybe that's just crazy.

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