JJ DA BOSS DRIVERS MEETING DRAMA (5 CALLOUTS/5 RACES) NO PREP ARM DROP Grudge Races admin — September 10, 2023 · 21 Comments #noprep #noprepracing #racing JJ Da Boss Arm Drop Drivers Meeting Drama 5 Callouts and 5 Epic Races source grudge race grudge racing no prep kings grudge Npk grudge street outlaws grudge
Need to get somebody up there thst knows how to do an ARM drop all that pump pump pump the her arms and not dropping them at same time is crap Reply
HI ALL Well what a showman look like all had fun he has these young girls driving the pants of these cars wow very cool cars PRO-MOD'S lol Reply
Thanks Vic. We were sitting behind you in the bleachers. Did they split the money and go home or what happened? We took off when the rain started Reply
Of course theres drama with the Crybaby boss and Memphis Trash Crew, only time they can win events is at their own races, Reply
Y'all got to know hummingbird is running 460s turn down teens when it's turned up. Bad ass car jj got. All his cars and trucks are nice Reply
Jj knew if he could stall enough the rain would come and he wouldnt have to get drug by beermoney. Reply
Damn JJ your daughter in that demon reminded me of you in that street race with big cheif when you put ZipTie on the bumper for a 1/8 mile Reply
Could you please provide close captions, i can barely understand a thing JJ says , i guess it's an improvisational geographical dialect . Reply
@LyleBarnett and Beer Money are a sure bet to go a whole lot of rounds no matter what race he enters it in!! Can’t wait for him to get his new purpose built race car out and really whoop some ass! Reply
Still dont get how other racers dont notice Memphis leaves when precious raises her arms up! Just sit take that free money all day! Reply
They should have race hummingbird vs beer money
Need to get somebody up there thst knows how to do an ARM drop all that pump pump pump the her arms and not dropping them at same time is crap
HI ALL Well what a showman look like all had fun he has these young girls driving the pants of these cars wow very cool cars PRO-MOD'S lol
Da bossssssss
Thanks Vic. We were sitting behind you in the bleachers. Did they split the money and go home or what happened? We took off when the rain started
Great editing
The greatest CHEATER of all time
Of course theres drama with the Crybaby boss and Memphis Trash Crew, only time they can win events is at their own races,
Y'all got to know hummingbird is running 460s turn down teens when it's turned up. Bad ass car jj got. All his cars and trucks are nice
Jj knew if he could stall enough the rain would come and he wouldnt have to get drug by beermoney.
Damn JJ your daughter in that demon reminded me of you in that street race with big cheif when you put ZipTie on the bumper for a 1/8 mile
U all pro…now give your self a W •●●%lo^U
Beer money rules
looks like most were skkkeeerrrd to race.
JJ quit ducking beer money.
who won this event ?
Could you please provide close captions, i can barely understand a thing JJ says , i guess it's an improvisational geographical dialect .
Gotta get that blue challenger back turning on win lights
@LyleBarnett and Beer Money are a sure bet to go a whole lot of rounds no matter what race he enters it in!! Can’t wait for him to get his new purpose built race car out and really whoop some ass!
Im lift my leg then drop my arms or everyone just jumps
Still dont get how other racers dont notice Memphis leaves when precious raises her arms up! Just sit take that free money all day!