1. Jimmy Dale lost the Dragy War, Old Man Bill lost the Valve keeper and Wallet wounding war all in a single no burnout street pass (and a short drive around the block), But Bill ran faster once in his true street car.

    The games street boys play, a coon skin cap for a second kit turn on, dragy wars long distance, will The Gut meet up happen in April now that 1 is back into the "2023 Securing of proper parts and Uncle Bob the Machinist Wizard race?"

    JD, no more callouts, but TY for the extra content on the OMG "Cracka Barrel", and we would rather see you two meet up at the gut and no more sploded chubby motors, and dropped valves.

    Testin' in 2023 off to a bad start, Caddy Jack, Mullet, and now Cracka Barrel, rods, mods, and dropped valves, and 90 degree piston relocations are just no fun, except maybe for all the machine shops and parts suppliers involved. And not a lick of side-by-side real drag racin' seen yet.

    Ooop's Turbo John was full on ahead of the game, until he flat out switched lanes! Then ran a best evah pass.

  2. I'm 53 yrs old and I want to start drag racing so damn bad. I've never raced, but building a 6.0 s10 extreme extended. It'll be a nice hot rod weather I race it or not. I'd sure like to line up with you. Keep the great videos coming

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