1. @Kooliebkoolin 2 close it ain't had really no gap between them side by side need a different angle like from the front everybody got bak footage when they look to close together

  2. Thaht Celsius be thaht right call tho
    I can’t call thaht race tho Buht thaht box definitely goht thaht cat before and after factoring in everything

  3. Moral of the story, before the race everybody was quiet, after the race everybody got something to say, like they "Race Experts". I hate cheerleaders. If I'm not betting, Im not speaking. But that Box was running. Facts.

  4. It's sad the redeye cats all excited about beating a old-school on 28s. Seriously?! Redeye on factory wheels, suspension is superior and they still barely won. Miss me with that. Nothing to do that much bragging about. Box chevy got big bragging rights!!!

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