I’m Back! First NPK Race of the Year, Testing & Team Captains Draft! Part 1

Good to be back in the drivers seat again 😎 Join me as we race our way through the first NPK race of the year. Between figuring out new parts, blazing down the track for some wins, a nail biting Captains Draft, and good times with good people, overall we had a great time 💗

Film By: Jeff Killingsworth



  1. Wife an I was their Sat June 10 an you looked fantastic!! Even tho your going through this we was they’re to support u!! I was hoping to see u an Kye n the finals would have made our day !! I wanted your auto hopefully next year we can get you to sign your shirt # Liszt strong! Keep your head up your doing great an looked wonderful

  2. I can’t believe street outlaws are breaking up teams to force make a team, the only reason I’ve followed street out laws is because I like the team concept but like nascar mistakes they’re screwing this up snd I’m the end we fans will lose interest because the 405 will no longer be 405 p. I understand their concern with viewership but this isn’t the way to go period and hopefully we don’t lose viewership and a great show but in my opinion street out laws screwed up badly.

  3. Kye you and lizzy need to come to my farm if you want to do some hunting over in nc I have about 500 acres with mini turkeys and deer and easy hunting give me a call when you in nc again.

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