I Got A Free C7 Corvette Because Of A Copart SCAM!!!

What’s going on guys in todays video we pick up a free 2017 corvette the owner bought it from copra and it turned out to be a Giant scam!!What should we do with it?

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  1. Lol its a junk corvette, totaled period. Save the tires and wheels lol… car is no good totaled… I understand your excitement lol it's a newer model vett but it's nothing . CAO.VA.1 based ,see ya orange out .

  2. @vTuned Put your damned seatbelt on! Had to pull/cut so many dead people out of cars, would hate to see you have a crash and suffer the same thing. Wear the damn seatbelt.

  3. Co-part is not a scam…its on you to go check out the cars before you buy them…If you can't check out in person, don't buy….so stop the fucking crying

  4. Never buy any shit from Copart , unless you personally inspect it before you bid. There’s too many wrongly described cars there, and they know it…
    Better still…..don’t bid.

  5. The fact that he just dumped it out there and left it like that for two years, says a lot about this guy. Dude if you're not satisfied with what you got, do the right thing and get rid of it right away or at least put it somewhere so that it won't go like this.

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