How Feeble Baby Boomers Prepare Their Horseless Carriages For Power Tour @DDSpeedShop

With our “friends” up in Canadastan working hard to sort through the bugs, complications, uniqueness and futuristic quirks of the dual Holley Sniper EFI conversion kit on their 55 wagon in preparation for Power Tour, we decided this would be a good time to prepare for ignition and fuel system issues that might arise on our own dinosaur 67 Charger.
Here’s a rundown of all the parts, tools and diagnostic equipment we will need to rescue ourselves from a roadside breakdown.
#holleyefi #classiccar #musclecar #mopar #hotrodpowertour
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  1. A more perfect comparison between "outdated" technology and today's digital nightmares, mixed with a heaping helping of sarcasm. has never been done.

  2. I love it I feel old Tony I'm only 62 but I still footbrake my car no MSD box or timing retard or 2 step I wouldn't know how to tune a car on a laptop. I really want to do turbo on my big block but I know zero About it. It's time for change I know it's the new way of the world and you can go so much faster but I'm the type who still rimaniss on the good old days of drive inn movies sock hops and a treat racing your buddy and hanging out at frosted playing the pinball machine and drinking a 10 cent coke….lol I'm loosing my mind I guess those days are long gone but it was great. Love the video alot of people our age would really appreciate this one have a great day your friend from Louisiana Rick 427

  3. Great stuff Tony . The Boomer world as you call it created the Roadside Boomer .They gained enough knowledge to recover there vehicle, carried necessary spares and tools to get it back to the garage . The new world Baby boomer has a Credit card a Mobile phone and a bar of chocolate ready for a long wait . Very few carry a break out box, laptop , Mobile Router , Oscilloscope, Digital Dvm . There is a saying { KISS ) Keep it simple stupid. Do Vehicles have to be unmaintainable for the masses .

  4. Most reliable truck I ever owned used a quadrajet and points on an AMC V8.
    I had to swich resistor blocks a couple times along the road. Had 2 in 1 blocks, just moved 2 wires.
    I carried a 1 gallon gravity fed jug with long fuel line behind the seat for years.
    I was too poor for tow trucks and newer cars anyways.
    I only bought rear wheel drive vehicles, that I could fix myself easily.

  5. Oh my you need a Jet set for the altitude change. An array of shocks and springs for road conditions. Oh auto engine stop so you're Accel Super Cool doesn't burn out at idle. Don't forget the spare tire and jack plus comprehensive instruction sheet.(it was the 90's and a guy I knew in the Navy dropped a submarine in dry dock. Seems they needed to rewrite the instruction sheet to dry dock a submarine properly). So yeah a comprehensive instruction sheet to change the tire out.

  6. hello tony , i am age 61 , i am not sure of your age but i am right with you , younger folk have a different mindset —- my 1st car was a 1948 chev , i was age 14 when i got the car , i had to do a full rebuild so i could have my own car to drive when i turned 16, i learned RESPECT on that car if it broke i had to fix it ! , i still have the car ,i drove it off and on my whole life , my every day driver is a 1984 cutlas , my welding truck is a 1985 dodge crew cab with a 360 in it , i did build a 28 ford roadester powered by by a 440 that came out of a challenger , i love old cars of the 40,s alot ! i love the gassers that run the old rules old stuff has class

  7. Personally, I won't be participating in this type of scenario, but can you imagine a Power Tour with today's EV's in 30 years? Actually, pretty much any vehicle built today in 30 years? There will be no such thing as a roadside fix. Honestly, I'm happy that I probably won't be around to witness that.

  8. Hey look, some people don't want this new sh*t. Fixing it yourself is gratifying. Calling AAA and a tow, mechanic, diagnostic fee out of my price range. That's why I drive '74 F100 FE. Carrying everything that could go wrong, and tools.

  9. Uncle Tony, I'm with you. The electric crap has gone too far, too complicated. I'm done pulling my hair out with that stuff. Simple mechanical is the way to go!

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