#rickrosscarshow #rickrosscarshow2023 Rick Ross Car Show 2023 Award Recipient Fred Rarri pulls up to the Promise Land to show Rick Ross his Supercharged 1973 Chevrolet Caprice Convertible nicknamed “BeetleJuice”
2chainz also pulls up on Rick Ross on stage
Big Ash of 713 Motorsports also gets crowned “Hustler of the Year” and receives a key award for his Black on Black fleet of cars and trucks all the way from Texas
This is cars and coffee hood edition
Just joined the page love it, see you next year with both of my show cars- Missielex AZ
Bruh all theses thirsty want to look important fake people I thought you was showing racing. I fuc with you doe g
Thank you for the footage! Awesome
Editing on point
The view at 10:27 is amazing
That's super dope and sexy I want go donkmaster races
Who were them boys from South Carolina with that red truck that bitch has a system in it
I'm happy for bruh
It’s clean but wasn’t the best donk there
Ross a bitch and fred still got his day you can't hide behind rap forever cause his rhymes wack i I suprise nobody step on dude yet long live wavynavy pooh the get back serious