You've put an awful lot of testing in to still not be making it down under power and blowing the tires off every pass. You need to get a legit tuner or ditch the turbos. Not a whole lot of cars in npk are even running turbos anymore, let alone having success other than lutz and robin. Its like youre a step behind
why is reapers bump in so rough. Its almost like the car is wobbling and never being able to setup to make a pass. I have never seen anyones car bump in so hard
Looks to me like it’s hard to stage the car so it never really settles , at least in this video , I don’t race so I might not know shit lol .. I do like seeing reaper out there , that man been through some bad times and still out there going for it .. what can I say
Gotta calm that bumpbox down — the "smooth stage" bump boxes allow folks to "creep" in vs bump in. Car seems to be rocking still when James lets go of the button.
Keep it goin reaper. Hey just so u know your bump is too aggressive the suspension is still upset right when u let go of the button. May help with your launch.
Car was never planted off the hit … was rocking back and forth cause he didn’t use the brakes to keep the car from rocking .. that’s why it lit the tires up
No wonder he ain’t going no where…. His “Tuner” just called him Jeff??? and said that it was a good hit??? What the hell is he going to put into the car for the next hit??? At this point Reaper’s Smart Car is faster then his race car… He should try switching the pole around…. SMH…
Reaper lost a lot of weight and looks better but still cant drive and win. His car is sharp.
If reaper knew how much the gay community loves his lesbian
Good to see you and Joe run !
You've put an awful lot of testing in to still not be making it down under power and blowing the tires off every pass. You need to get a legit tuner or ditch the turbos. Not a whole lot of cars in npk are even running turbos anymore, let alone having success other than lutz and robin. Its like youre a step behind
Reaper lost some weight
Good bad or indifferent, no shame in His game he puts it all out there. Have to respect James for being real!!!
why is reapers bump in so rough. Its almost like the car is wobbling and never being able to setup to make a pass. I have never seen anyones car bump in so hard
Looks to me like it’s hard to stage the car so it never really settles , at least in this video , I don’t race so I might not know shit lol .. I do like seeing reaper out there , that man been through some bad times and still out there going for it .. what can I say
Haters gonna hate. Keyboard Commandos that don’t know how hard this sport is.
Love your attitude Reaper! Keep pushing!!
Gotta calm that bumpbox down — the "smooth stage" bump boxes allow folks to "creep" in vs bump in. Car seems to be rocking still when James lets go of the button.
Impressive you made round 2
Car looks awesome. You should wrap the smart car to match
Mentioned previously… COAN racing convertors…
Reaper the kinda guy to loose on a bye run.
Keep it goin reaper. Hey just so u know your bump is too aggressive the suspension is still upset right when u let go of the button. May help with your launch.
Car was never planted off the hit … was rocking back and forth cause he didn’t use the brakes to keep the car from rocking .. that’s why it lit the tires up
Different car, same problems, at this point I really do think it’s the driver not the car.
Keep up the great work James all of ur fans love u and standing behind u because all of us know damn well u don’t back down to a race
No wonder he ain’t going no where…. His “Tuner” just called him Jeff??? and said that it was a good hit??? What the hell is he going to put into the car for the next hit??? At this point Reaper’s Smart Car is faster then his race car… He should try switching the pole around…. SMH…
Car looks good. Same ol reaper. His reputation proceeds him
Calls hi.self a professional race car driver james could drive a wheelbarrow full of shit to the shit pile