1. Allison! Once you get it figured out you will be just fine!I only hope that nothing bad ever happend between Allison, Tommy and the Gang…Just such a Beautiful Couple and Family!

  2. The Dart is running good!! Is the Chrysler more scared of the Escalade or the Ls's?? Just remind Jeff that they are both Chevrolet products!! Lol

  3. Billy's gonna hate this but I've been watching for years. Sorry but the dart and the Ford shit all over the c10 and nova. The power that hits the ground is uncomparable. Billy likes to fluff with bullshit haha where as you two just deal with straight up winging it. Anyway I love Billy and just havn fun. Fuckn love the whole crew from Bill to Billy to Allison and the over to rob. Finally good to see him out there. My secret fave is KP in the comaro. Give him some air time lol.

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