1. These guys are ambassadors for the whole industry, they were the guys that pushed me to get my xp pro and my bro. They need to be sponsored, come on Can Am or Polaris, you guys are messing up, keep it up guys, great stuff

  2. You guys are amazing. Thank you guys again for letting us barrow tools at the sand x event so I can limp my car back to camp. Yall are truly down to earth people. Hope to see you guys at more events or out on trails some day. Have safe travels and safe rides

  3. I can hear George, “always check your 2 step!!” Please wear gloves when handling fuel and brake clean. Had a friend get cancer from years of exposure as a mechanic because of brake clean and harmful liquids.

  4. Those facilities are sweet! I could park my Lazy-Boy in the garage and have a good ol' time! Can't do that at Glamis.
    I was worried about Doug driving … but it turns out as long there are no fences, he's fine.

  5. On your way to glamis you should stop by little Sahara Utah. We have a hill called big sand mountain that everybody drag races up. I hear and have not confirmed that’s it’s the longest vertical climb in the US. Be sweet to see what your machines can do.

  6. I would like to see an OG machine challenge. Nick on a wildcat, Doug in a maverick ect. Bring back all the OG machines that y’all had when the channel started.

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