DNL VS THE WORLD 6 had plenty of action including the $5000 26″ Middleweight Shootout –
Kut Da Check – What a Name
Mr Hensley – Jason X , Twin Turbo Box Chevy
FYB Stepdaddy Kevin – Lil Kev Nitrous Big Block Box Chevy
Pinky Twin Turbo 71 Impala
MEGATRON 72 Impala on 30s
Rozay Big Block Nitrous 71 Hardtop
Problem Child – 71 Impala Hardtop , Big Block / Nitrous
donk racing
street outlaws
drag racing
big rim racing
grudge racing
1320 racing
no prep racing
Lil kev back to reality
With all the L's he been receiving over the time ,he earned that one ,keep up the good job brutha keep it pushing .
Where da sound
Hot rod need to trash that donk dat thang never take off how can not understand that over and over