DNL vs The World 6 Grudge Race – 24″ Slick Shootout
Donkmaster VS Playboy Geezy
Gone Hollywood / Big Joe VS Big Juicy / Starrmac
Optimus Prime VS Black Gangsta / Kut Da Check Racing
Gone Hollywood Vs Kut Da Check
Donkmaster Vs Gone Hollywood / Big Joe
drag racing , Car show , kevin hart , rick ross car show
donk racing . big rim racing , dave kindig , whistlindiesel
garret1320 , cleetus mcfarland , hoonigan
What it do GDAWG?
Wzup fam
Big Joe is riding!!!!
No run time displays on the board. Cause with them big ass rims and all that power y'all slow as shit. Line up with a real racer on slicks NA and y'all probably loose yo a$$.
The Blur was moving. It was Big Joe's day.
I wonder wateva happen to that Silverback montecarlo SS
DM .And CC getting there azz kick
Done told jokers, …… big block nitro for the 2023 take over.